Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act

On September 28, 2015, the Uniform Law Commission released the final text of the Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act (revised UFADAA). The original UFADAA was released in 2014.

For background on why the original UFADAA was revised, read the ULC’s document explaining the proposed changes to the original UFADAA. They also prepared a helpful chart comparing the original UFADAA, the revised UFADAA, and the Privacy Expectations Afterlife and Choices Act (PEAC Act). The PEAC Act was prepared by a coalition of Internet service providers and their lobbyists, and a version of it was enacted in Virginia. The revised UFADAA addresses and resolves concerns raised by some Internet service providers and some privacy advocates who initially opposed enactment of the original UFADAA.

The ULC Web site has a document explaining why your state should adopt the revised UFADAA, and more information about the enactment status of the revised UFADAA will be posted on the ULC Web site as it becomes available

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